14 September to 16 September, 2016

 Radisson Blu Hotel Nairobi, Kenya


Showcasing infrastructure projects in Africa

Networking forum for local and international engineering contractors

Networking forum for local and international project financiers

Linking project owners to potential financiers

Key Themes

Transport Infrastructure Updates

Outline of Major Real Estate Developments

Energy Projects Overview

Sub themes

Roads Infrastructure

Housing Projects

Power Projects

Public-Private Partnerships

Project Financing

Benefits for international attendees

Status update on infrastructure projects in the region

Establish direct contact with government officials and policy makers

Networking with local contractors

Benefits for local attendees

Linkages with international engineering contractors

Access to a wide pool of local and international financiers for projects

Government Representation

Ministries of Transport

Ministries of Housing

Ministries of Energy

Roads and Highways Agencies

PPP Units

Companies Representation

Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Firms

Energy Companies

Law firms

Commercial Banks

Development Banks

Infrastructure-Focused Fund Management Firms

Insurance Companies